Find out what Trivelo Associates thought during their Velosock indoor bike cover review while they tested the product over a four week muddy period.

Mark Shepherd | Test Associate

Mark Shepherd – Experienced duathlon competitor and Bronze medal winner at AgeGroup Champs in 2011, 2017 and 2018.

“The real benefit for someone like me however is that it keeps the inside of my car or van cleaner”

I’ve been using the Velosock for about 2 weeks now and it’s been quite interesting. Quite simply, you put your bike into it and it makes it easy to move it around as it holds the bike in one position. You can get caught out though if you have a history of rolling through doors but it’s only changing a habit or two and then it’s smooth.

Fitting the bicycle cover to your bike

Putting the bike in the Velosock, now they give you instructions on the environmentally friendly packing (just a small box with the bicycle cover inside). These instructions show you how to put the bike in with the wheels on the ground. Maybe I was having a bad few weeks but this didn’t work for me.

Fitting the Velosock

However, tipping the bike upside down and putting it on over the rear wheel and mech, around the seat stay, then stretching it over the bike worked just fine for me.

Transporting different bike types

My testing has seen me transport my MTB, my cross bike and my road bike and the good news is that all of these bikes can be used with the same Velosock.

This brings us to ‘what is the real point’? Well, it’s far more than just for moving a bike between hotel rooms. If you are short of space at home then having the bike cover on the bike keep the edges covered up. You just lift and shift it around the room while protecting your pride and joy from being chipped or scratched. The real benefit for someone like me however is that it keeps the inside of my car or van cleaner. Yes I am guilty of not washing my bike after a race and the Velosock really does collect the mud and stop you getting oil on the ceiling of your vehicle.

Verdict on the Velosock bike cover

  • Easy to move the bike
  • Keeps your van/car cleaner
  • Protects your bike from your clumsy actions !
  • Cost, it is quite expensive
  • Be careful with the chain rings and if you have any frayed cables as these will catch on the bike cover. It does take the snagging quite well but I would be concerned if I was overly clumsy that it may tear.

Thanks to Mark for his thoughts following his test of the Velosock. It does feel like a luxury item but if it helps reduce the chance of that feeling you get when chipping your carbon frame then sign me up!

If you think you’d be interested in one of these machine washable bicycle covers then you can purchase these direct

You may also lie to read our blogs on essentials for winter cycling. and winter cycling to work

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Mark Shepherd

Experienced duathlon competitor and Bronze medal winner at AgeGroup Champs in 2011, 2017 and 2018.


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