For this weeks blog we have our recommendation for top races you should be adding to your race calendar for 2017.  With such a broad range of race distances and types to consider we have tried to make sure we have considered all flavours or triathletes and also given some geographical spread recognising not everyone is based South East!  Check out our Top 5 UK Triathlons for 2017.  

Blenheim Palace Triathlon

Blenheim Palace Triathlon

Blenheim Palace Triathlon

Date 3rd – 4th June 2017

Race Distances Sprint & Super Sprint only

Location Oxfordshire

The Bloodwise Blenheim Palace Triathlon course consists of a fresh lake open water swim, a closed road undulating bike course and a multi-lap run route circling the world heritage site. A course previously trodden by Alistair Brownlee that gives great spectator access within beautiful grounds.  Although the bike course is closed road it is a challenging course with some steep sections and pretty narrow as you try and navigate a mixed field of competitors with plenty of first timers at the event.

Wimbleball 70.3

Date 25th June 2017

Race Distance 70.3

Location Exmoor

Be part of the last Ironman 70.3 in the UK with this tough middle distance event held at the iconic Wimbleball Lake in Exmoor.  The field can be full of class as people take a deferral option from Ironman Wales opting for the shorter distance if their training has been interrupted by injury or life challenges.  Crystal clear water and mass floating start as you would expect tee up a great day racing.  If you are taking this as a step down from Ironman Wales don’t expect an easy time in the saddle with some monster climbing included in the course.  Don’t expect any middle distance PB’s.

World Triathlon Leeds

Date 10th – 11th June 2017

Race Distances Various distances

Location Leeds

The race is a relatively young one with some criticism in previous years on the site and the layout but the organisers have been working hard to address this and in truth can’t afford for this to be anything other than a success.  A lake swim and suitably challenging bike course await.  With increased focus on transport between sites all should be smooth sailing for those competing this year.

Swansea Triathlon

Date 28th May 2017

Race Distances Sprint

Location Swansea

Set in the beautiful Glamorgan coastline is the Swansea triathlon.  First set up in 2016 it is running for the second time this year  with closed roads and open water swim in enclosed waterfront area.  Bike course is flat and central to the city making it perfect to beginners and those less confident on the bike.  For those who struggle with the normal morning starts this could be the race for you as it kicks off at 4pm meaning no need to set the alarm for 4am and struggling to work out how to fuel your body in the middle of the night.

Isoman Triathlon

Date 1st July 2017

Race Distance 11km swim, 98km bike, 42.2km run

Location Worcestershire

With swimmers traditionally out of luck when it comes to competitive triathlon times the Isoman attempts to re-address the balance and mean strong swimmers don’t end up demoralised by being passed by everyone on the bike after leaving the water first.  The Isoman distances have been amended to attempt to make each discipline an equal time making it a truly multi-sport activity.  No more ignoring your swim sets to put in 3/4 of your training on the bike.

We hope you enjoyed our Top 5 UK triathlons for 2017 and look forward to hearing from you for more suggestions. 

List of the Top 5 UK Triathlons

  1. Blenheim Palace Triathlon
  2. Wimbleball 70.3 Triathlon
  3. World Triathlon Leeds
  4. Swansea Triathlon
  5. Isoman Triathlon
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Billy Ferguson

Having founded Trivelo in 2015 after many years competing in triathlon Billy continues to enjoy training and triathlon. Founder Billy is strongest in the water but continues to try and convince his body that he is an ultra runner.