What does COVID-19 mean for triathletes in training and how can we stay sharp and mentally strong? With our lives having changed so much and in such a short space of time there seems little else on our lips than COVID-19. Literally from the sense of isolating the spread of the disease and doing our bit by staying at home. But what does this mean for triathletes in training? We asked our panel of test associates for their handy tips for Cornavirus: How to keep training while in lockdown. Enclosed are 29 of the tips we collated from our super squad of athletes. Stay healthy. Stay fit. Stay safe everyone.
Top Tips for training from home

My top 3 tips –
- Squats eg when cleaning teeth, kettle to boil, cooking dinner, with a weigh vest if you have one.
- Beep test in the garden. Distance can be made shorter based on the space available.
- Work on your core. Plenty of free videos on YouTube. Also not training but don’t waste the opportunity to strip your bikes and give them a good service. Quirky could be to work on your escape tunnel !!

My top 3 tips –
- We have done PE with Joe Wicks in the am – kids find him a bit of a show off!!
- Going to try Oti’s dance one in her YouTube channel.
- I have been doing Yoga with Adrienne 30 day doing further YouTube classes for everyone to join in with.

- I’m getting up at my usual ‘get up for work time’ and instead of spending that time on the train to work I’m using it to train indoors, then its onto the New World of working from home. So the routine is essentially the same
- I use Zwift and previously it rode my favourite routes, but now I’m trying to pick a new one each day to mix things up a little.
- Make sure you eat & drink properly, the temptation is there to graze during the day as hey let’s face it the kitchen is always closer than the canteen or shops at work and it’s got a load of goodies in it.

IMy top 3 tips (plus one extra) –
- Try to train as normal as much as possible. For me, it’s now a case of enjoying “training for the process of training” rather than have it as a lead up to a goal / test event. But you can change your goals – so the goal might be to improve your FTP rather than taking part in that road race for example. If you can see the improvements in your training fitness, this will help you to keep motivated.
- Make the most of being able to leave the house for exercise. I have been using the outside house time to go for solo runs, because I have the ability to turbo at home. But rather than leave the turbo in the garage where it normally lives, bring it outside into the Spring sunshine. When you do leave the house, it’s been really nice to have “me-time”. I’m finding it more important to have that time for me, away from the house / home office / kitchen table and away from partners / siblings etc. Having that me time is really good, and it gives a bit of headspace.
- Buy some swim resistance bands. I’m lucky in that my wife Helen is way more prepared than me and has bought some of these already. I just had to install them in a suitable place, so I’ve put some hasps into the garage wall and we can do a basic swim workout.
- Fundamentally it’s about being adaptive and appreciative of what we still can do even when we can’t get out and do the things that we normally do. And when we are able to get out again and race / compete and do what we love, we can still be ready to perform to our best.

My top 3 tips (well 4 actually) –
- Think that this isn’t going to last for ever. You need to be ready for when corona virus is over as there will be plenty of events to choose from
- Work on your weaknesses in the gym. If you want to work in run technique, don’t add more mileage. Get online and look for resources to inprove form through strength and conditioning
- Have fun!!! Change it up!!! We need to remember we’re in it to have fun, so do stuff you enjoy doing
- And a pet hate! Be sensible! The last thing you need to be is a person going to a and e and adding to the stress already on the nhs. If you can ride indoors rather than outside, please do so. Don’t take unnecessary risks!

My Top 3 tips
- Motivation tips – Concentrate on what you can do, not what you can not do. Nobody can race but we can get ready for the 2nd half of the season. Drop your intensity and go back to Base mode of longer, slower rides and runs. Whilst following the Government Guidelines of course!
Training technology tips – Everybody is on Zwift already but keep in contact with your training partners or club mates by using the “Meet Up” function https://zwift.com/
news/19189-zwift-how-to-ride- with-friends Video content to use – We have used the POPSUGAR workouts on Youtube. Lots of variety with some Strength based, some Cardio, some Yoga etc. And they have Advanced and Intermediate demonstarters so good for all the household.

My Top 3 tips
- Suspension training from home using TRX training. Really simple programme based around 7 key movement types. Check them out at – https://www.trxtraining.co.uk/
- Core strength training focused on running and triathletes.
- Leg lunges to help with mobility and flexibility for runners. Easy to do at home without any equipment

My Top 3 tips
- If you have one get on that turbo trainer and put in the bike miles without any need to worry about social distancing. Even if it isn’t a smart turbo trainer it is quality miles in the legs.
- Focus on some core training either using some high intensity work outs such as T25 or similar YouTube fast paced workouts. Make the most of time at home and rediscover your abs.
- Goverment advice still supports going outdoors for active exercise so make the most of this. I have taken to running at night avoiding any risk of social contact and training around the lit streets. Running at night needs some caution on the foot placement so can impact pace but use this as an excuse to go long.

My Top 3 tips
- Staying fit is in the little things we do everyday.
Your basal metabolic rate is how many calories you burn just keeping your body functioning with inactivity. Using sites such as https://www.active.com/fitness/calculators/bmr I’ve calculated mine is just shy of 1500. I work out that a further 500-600 Kcals gets me to an average I’d normally burn just going to work and walking around the office (given the recommended daily calorie intake for a female is 2000 calories).
So, It takes around 40 calories to go to your wardrobe, pop some stuff in the laundry, fold a few jumpers and straighten a few hangers.
A quick 5 minutes of cleaning between meetings is topping you back up to your normal activity levels. - Speedy workouts are much more likely to get done.
I’ve been doing some Lilly Sabri 3 minute workouts in-between meetings (I have a lot of meetings as work is crazy busy right now) and they hurt and they work. She’s got a YouTube channel as well. Just check out that woman’s figure. She’s ex-physio for Chelsea so she’ll make sure everything is safe and you don’t hurt yourself with poor form. - Play!
Now is the time to be a bloody big kid! You’re in your bubble, a lot of grown-upping stuff has been put on hold and everyone else is being silly anyway.
I’ve just purchased what is basically an adult version of the climbing frame I had as a kid. I’ve purchased TRX and rings to add to it (Discount 50% with MJPT) and I’ve got an inflatable ball to mess around on. Other items include a 12kg kettlebell.
All of this is channelled into some proper actual training with my coach’s instagram but I’ll mostly be messing around in the sun with it all.
List of our top tips on how to keep training while in lockdown
- Squats eg when cleaning teeth. With a weigh vest if you have one.
- Beep test in the garden.
- Work on your core. Plenty of free videos on YouTube.
- PE with Joe Wicks in the am.
- Oti Mabuse dancing YouTube channel.
- Yoga with Adrienne 30 day YouTube classes
- Get up at usual ‘get up for work time’ and instead of spending that time on the train to work use it to train indoors
- Use Zwift and ride your favourite routes
- Make sure you eat & drink properly
- Try to train as normal as much as possible.
- Make the most of being able to leave the house for exercise.
- Buy some swim resistance bands.
- Fundamentally it’s about being adaptive and appreciative of what we still can do.
- Think that this isn’t going to last for ever.
- Work on your weaknesses in the gym.
- Have fun!!! Change it up!!!
- Be sensible! Don’t take unnecessary risks!
- Concentrate on what you can do, not what you can not do.
Keep in contact with your training partners or club mates by using the “Meet Up” function in Zwift.
Try POPSUGAR workouts on Youtube.
- Suspension training from home using TRX training.
- Core strength training focused on running and triathletes.
- Leg lunges to help with mobility and flexibility for runners.
- If you have one get on that turbo trainer
- Focus on some core training using some high intensity work outs
- Go outdoors for active exercise
- Stay fit adding activity into even the simplest of activities around the house
- Add some quick short workouts into your daily routine that are more likely to happen
- Play. Have fun and enjoy some play time to stay active.
Training at home articles
If you have any handy tips you can share with others add a comment and help everyone come through this and stay healthy.
1 Comment
Scott · 28/03/2020 at 9:47 am
Cracking input guys. Some great ideas in there to keep happy, healthy and motivated