Welcome to Trivelo's Triathlon & Multisport Discount codes Database
Over 200 triathlon and multisport vendors and counting are in our database of partners. We’ve compiled a collection of of discount codes, promotions and exclusive deals are some of the current deals we have secured. The purpose is to introduce triathletes to suppliers they might like to know, with key information to help them spend smarter.
Triathlon & Multi-Sport Vendors
20% Exclusive Discount
Proviz Sports – Get the entire range of ground breaking cycling and running clothing with innovation at the core
Use the discount code “TRIVELO20” (Trivelo-Two-Zero) at checkout and make use of this amazing Trivelo exclusive
20% Exclusive Discount
Aftershokz – Get money off their range of awesome bone conduction headphones suitable for safe cycling and running.
Use the discount code “TRIVELO20” (Trivelo-Two-Zero) at checkout and make use of this amazing Trivelo exclusive
12% Exclusive Discount
ProBikeKit – Get money off their range of top end cycling components from a wide range of epic cycling suppliers
Use the discount code “TRIVELO12” (Trivelo-One-Two) at checkout and make use of this amazing Trivelo exclusive
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Trivelo is a for profit organisation and we earn some of our money through affiliate commission. If you want to learn more about this please check out our page on how we make money.
Having founded Trivelo in 2015 after many years competing in triathlon Billy continues to enjoy training and triathlon. Founder Billy is strongest in the water but continues to try and convince his body that he is an ultra runner.