Our blog this week brings the first of our 100 word book reviews for those seeking some inspiration for reading material to fuel their training. Short, sharp reviews that get straight to the point. We hope you enjoy this Born to Run book review.
Outline of Born to Run
Christopher McDougall has penned this epic book that could act as the catalyst for any casual runner to open the doors to ultra running. The book considers the science and pyschology of running. It includes brilliant inserts from real experts passionate about the spirit of running. Not for competition but life.
Lost Running Tribes in Born to Run
It explores running within lost tribes and their super human performance. It makes you question the need for those Nike air running monstrosities. Bare foot running and returning to the simplicity of running is the basis for this wonderful book. A must read for anyone even contemplating any endurance endeavour.
About the author – Billy is a closet reader grabbing those precious few moments in the day when not working on Trivelo or training to escape through books. Often sports and fitness based if possible.